Dear Readers,
Over a century ago, my grandfather left Gujarat (India) to make his fortune in Africa. He began on the coast of the former British colony of Kenya. Two generations and many continents later our family still follows many aspects of the typical Gujarati lifestyle and the vegetarian cuisine. Via this platform I hope to pass on some of my cooking skills to my children Komal, Anjli and Amar. I also hope to give them a sense of their heritage with stories of the nomadic life of many Gujaratis like myself. Starting from India, to Africa, to England, to Switzerland and then to where? Back to India?
Young professionals of today lead a busy western lifestyle. Modern career orientated lives, with easy access to prepared foods, and now the modern trend of a non-vegetarian diet makes it almost impossible for them to spend time cooking Gujarati cuisine.
Writing letters to them has always played a big part in our lives. Now I am extending that habit to this blog. I hope to encourage them to follow some of the recipes I post, as well as soak up some of my stories.
Happy reading,
Vishfully yours…..