My dearest Komal, Anjli and Amar,
I used to be a prolific letter writer in my younger days. These days I end up writing a letter (….or two) to you. What better way to write more frequently than to start this blog! This way I can pass on some of my cooking experiences and write stories of my past and present. So here we are!
Actually the whole idea of blogging developed from my idea of writing a Gujarati cookbook for you.
I would also like to use this blog to say “Thank You” to all of you for appreciating my cooking. For someone who answered an emphatic “No” to the question, “Can you cook?” just before getting married, I am eternally grateful for all the praise that you lavish upon me at each and every meal, may it be just a snack or a full scale ‘8-hour-slog’.
Do please use the recipes I post here. My cooking has evolved over the years and the recipes reflect that. Many meals look time consuming, but if you make these dishes often enough, they will become easier and there is nothing like home cooked food. Also unlike my own early cooking adventures, these days you can pick up a lot of ready prepared portions of the full Indian meal. I would say only 10% of Indian restaurants can beat home cooked food. Have faith and conviction in your cooking and just persevere! Even after more than 35 years of cooking, I still have disaster periods. The only difference from my early years is that I have learnt not to panic and there is always an IMPROVISATION to any disaster situation….but disasters will occur.
Enjoy my journey, and please take time to cook and also to comment at any stage of our adventure together.
With all my love, hugs and kisses,
Vishfully yours,