My dearest Komal, Anjli and Amar,
Uttrayan is a keenly awaited festival in India that is usually celebrated on the 14th of January. Our Uttrayan celebrations in India were just as vibrant as the picture above. Daddy and I participated in this celebration after many years. My previous memories were of Neshmama´s enthusiasm, weeks before the big day and his preparations of making the kites and uploading the crushed glass onto the kite string, a dangerous procedure I might add.

The main enjoyment of flying the kite(patang) is to wage wars with neighbouring participants by clipping their kites and ensuring your kite stays high up in the sky. Now you will understand the need for uploading crushed glass onto the kite strings!
I remember the early morning clamour on the roof terrace and the kite flyers´ high pitched voices. In Africa, the session usually ended around lunchtime. In India the festival is celebrated differently. Nowadays they start a bit later but go on late in the night. At dusk, lights are attached to the strings and then the kites are released into the air. What with all the dancing and the loud music and the dangerously uncontrolled fireworks, the flickering lights suspended in the dark night created an outstanding atmosphere of Uttrayan.
Of course no Indian celebration is complete without food. Hence in Gujarat, Uttrayan calls for special foods, like jalebi, undhiyu, spiced popcorn, spiced crisps, chikkis(nut and jaggery sweets), umpteen varieties of delicacies made from sesame seeds and seasonal fruits cut and sprinkled with salt and paprika……yes even the fruit is spiced up.

We experienced this festival in full swing with hospitable friends on their roof terrace. This spacious terrace was situated on top of a block of flats. So the crowd on the roof terrace comprised of a variety of inhabitants of the flats. We, the outsiders, were welcomed by all with big smiles, unconditional offers of all the kites and equipment and of course the abundant food.

Those crushed glass covered kite strings can be lethal. We were puzzled to see that many motorcyclists had a U shaped upright metal bar fixed in front of their bikes from one handle to the other. This was to prevent fatal injuries from stray kite strings. We also had to have our fingers taped heavily to prevent bruising from handling the harmful strings. Though the whole experience was enjoyable, I could not stop thinking of the vulnerable birds in the sky. Apparently the following days newspapers report bird and human fatalities. Horrifying numbers.

Uttrayan is celebrated all over India under different names: Makar Sankranti, Pongal, Lohri, Bihu etc. It is the harvest festival for the Indian public and each region has its own group of celebrated delicacies during this festival.We were in India for a further 5 weeks after Uttrayan, and it was amusing to see many trees brightly coloured with fallen kites.
The next big festival is Holi, the festival of colours. We attended a Holi celebration in a friend´s garden when we were in Pune. Thoroughly enjoyed the very colourful event with the intoxicating drinks and of course the lavish food.
Might your next visit to India be during Uttrayan and then you can experiment flying kites on the roof terraces? There are many Indian festivals that you have not experienced first hand. My parents lived in an extended version of the Gujarati life and so did we. Creating that same cultural environment was more hard work in London and we were not surrounded by the Indian vibes. Excuses, excuses you might say! Perhaps part of the reason for enjoying our stay here in Switzerland is the proliferation of all the festivals: Zürifest, Basel Faschnacht, Yodellingfest and many more. Festivals add colour to my life and I guess music festivals adds colour to your lives! How unfortunate that you and I have such different taste in music. I still get the same enjoyment from my music as you do!
I shall end here and wish you happy and healthy coming months.
With all my love, hugs and kisses,
Yours Vishfully
forgot to spellcheck 🙁
Enjoyed the festival with you and I refreshed the long forgotten skill of timing the string to the kite! Easy once you know it:)